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Travelling by car from Stockholm:
Drive road 222, towards Gustavsberg.

Arlanda airport – Värmdö via Stockholm central station:
To and from Arlanda Airport by train, bus, car, public transport, taxi etc.
Information on Arlanda air traffic with time tables, arrivals, departures, destinations, parking, etc.
Arlanda Express train between Stockholm city and the airport in 20 minutes.

Travelling with SL buses / public transport from the central station:
Go by the metro's green or red line from T-centralen to Slussen and take the bus to Nacka/Värmdö – bus no. 474 goes every time, and direct buses 435, 436, 437, 438, 439, 440 to 7.00 pm. Get off at Hemmesta vägskäl (closest bus stop) or at Hemmesta centrum. Walk the last bit to Mellanvägen 20.
Search trip, time table, Stockholm Local traffic (SL) Information about SL cards and prices. Click here to view a map of Mellanvägen 20.

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